Friday, June 3, 2016

A Little Fun

My friend (I shall not name him) has told me making a new version of an idea you've already had (in Photoshop) will not be as great as the original, so I did just that.

I used character's color schemes from Marvel and switched them. Picture A is switched with Picture B, as well as Picture C with Picture D.

Open-World Music

My friend Josh asked me to make background music for his Open-World simulator, so I am making him his song right now.

Earlier Today

Earlier today, I spend the morning and time before lunch trying to fix an issue where my audio would only work on the Sound Settings, but would't work anywhere else. I finally fixed it and am able to work again.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Album Cover

Music Video

One of my new songs, I am using in a video. However, a certain clip I want to use is accessible until I find it. The song hasn't been added to my drive yet, but it will be up there soon.

Music Ideas

Today, I have changed the style of my new song. This style is laid-back, calm, and even has ocean waves to calm a person down. I may or may not be finishing it today, but here is what I have done so far. I also plan to improve "My Territory" as it is very very short and is making me irkish because I want to have a completely finished song.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Album Title and Cover

I spend the end of the school day trying to finish one song, but my writer's block got the worst of me, so instead, I decided to make the cover for my unpublished album. However, it sucked, so my friend made me a cover for the album called "A Mixx Mania". I feel saddened because my album cover took so long to make, but it looked like an amateur designed it, so my friend who is certified in Adobe Photoshop offered me his help.